Wow. My eyes: they burn!
I have to admit I am not an Animal Collective fan; I guess that up to - uh, I dunno, this morning sometime - I must have had my massive, studio sized mixing board tuned to the exact frequency of suck. But whatever I did to my dials and whidgets and MULTITUDE of sliders last night (isn't it funny how the times we don't remember can often be the most productive) I am now sure that Merriweather Post Pavilion is fucking amazing.

*Fires up time machine*
Black Monk Time is a bit of a rarity in the sense that five American soldiers stationed in West-Germany managed to produce an early Vietnam era anti-war album that purportedly stands as one of the founding documents of Krautrock. Angry and inspired and without tolerance for the glorification of slaughter that seems to be the eternal media legacy of every foreign policy interaction enacted by the US since 1941.
But still, c'mon guys, you won the war (and you insist on reminding me of that one moment of glory over and over AND OVER AGAIN), let them found their own damn genre.
Both these albums seem to encapsulate an alienating sense of weirdness which becomes their most salacious asset - just as long as it can be remembered that idiosyncrasies are nothing without strong song writing.
Letterman strikes again! The Ed Sullivan Theater seems to lean itself to memorable performances, as Youtube can attest. Bat For Lashes serves to remind me that I don't have to automatically despise tambourine-welding, overly made-up, neck-tutu clad English lasses. I like suprises!
This is the first few seconds of one of my favorite songs of all time.
Gotta love the interweb.
fucking excellent reviews. Merriweather post pavillion inspired my real like of the animal collective, and bat for lashes just makes me happyyyyy.